Join the Dots Together

Sharing information and working for climate justice in Northern Ireland

You’re welcome to Join the Dots Together

We believe that every connection counts. We are building a community of individuals and organisations who are interested in climate justice. Have a look at the News section to see what we has interested us in recent months and check our calendar for happenings in or or interest to people living in Northern Ireland. Sign up for our newsletter and join us when you can.

Upcoming Events

  • 3-minute update: Good Relations Week: Empowering Dialogue on Climate and Justice

    3-minute update: Good Relations Week: Empowering Dialogue on Climate and Justice

  • The Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty

    The Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty

  • Highlights from the 23rd Meeting of the Creation Care Network

    Highlights from the 23rd Meeting of the Creation Care Network

  • Biodiversity COP 16: Important Agreement Reached Towards Goal of “Making Peace with Nature”

    Biodiversity COP 16: Important Agreement Reached Towards Goal of “Making Peace with Nature”

  • COP29: Expectations for Faiths’ Contribution

    COP29: Expectations for Faiths’ Contribution

Use our contact form to get in touch or sign up for an occasional newsletter to help keep you informed about upcoming opportunities.

Quick Eco Tips

Sharing information and working for climate justice in Northern Ireland
