‘Heirs of hope’ in Northern Ireland

FaithInvest’s Martin Palmer spent an inspiring few days in Northern Ireland at the invitation of Corrymeela and Join the Dots Together! Faithinvest published an article on their website about his visit. It explains how Martin shared powerful stories of hope from events focused on peace, justice, and environmental stewardship. He was particularly moved by the event with 60 young people who spoke with politicians, realistic about climate change but full of hope. These “heirs of hope” represent a brighter future. Events included forums on faith, land use, and climate action, all part of Good Relations Week, the International Day of Peace, and the Season of Creation. There’s no going back—faith communities must unite for a sustainable future!

Full article available here: https://www.faithinvest.org/post/an-intense-few-days-with-the-heirs-of-hope-in-northern-ireland



#HeirsOfHope #SeasonOfCreation #PeaceAndJustice